We carefully select the suppliers of spices from the world through a careful search for the best raw materials and we carefully check them before they become part of the Montosco family. Our products are part of us and transmit our values of respect, authenticity and transparency and that is why we control our supply chain so that our herbs and spices can go from field to table by telling our story.
2. Our commitment for a better future
We respect nature
We are committed to respecting the times of nature. Our Italian herbs and spices are harvested according to the cycles of the seasons.
We cut our energy consumption
We design our packaging to be reused, thereby reducing waste. This is the Montosco Eco Concept, an ethical choice that involves carefully selecting the materials for our 100% recyclable and increasingly eco-friendly packs.
We support our people
We have decided to invest in southern Italy, in order to try to grow the territory by guaranteeing employment and local agriculture.
We cut our energy consumption
We are committed to the environment through the installation of two photovoltaic systems that will produce approximately 269,000 kWh of photovoltaic energy in the first year, helping to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by approximately 142 tons.
Una storia di famiglia
I valori forti si trasmettono nei brand se sono vivi già all'interno dell'Azienda e l'azienda che sta dietro al progetto delle erbe e spezie, La Collina Toscana spa, è un'azienda italiana a conduzione familiare che ha deciso di trasmette i suoi credo attraverso un progetto, un progetto chiamato Montosco.